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We would all prefer to have naturally smooth, evenly pigmented skin, but the reality is that most of us struggle with skin issues such as redness, blotchiness, and hyperpigmentation. Fortunately, there are a plethora of effective treatments that can eliminate these skin issues quickly and safely — including IPL photofacial treatments. Today, the health and beauty team at Vibe MedSpa will share with you five more reasons to consider this groundbreaking therapy as an effective solution for your skin concerns.
Vampire Breast Lifts are one of the most popular, non-surgical solutions for enhancing the breasts, but what exactly is this treatment? This med spa treatment has grown immensely in popularity among women of all ages, lifestyles, and backgrounds. This treatment offers an ideal, temporary solution for a number of problems that can affect the shape, texture, and pigmentation of the breasts. So how do you know if you’re a good candidate for this therapy?
In this article, the health and beauty experts at Vibe MedSpas will share insights about the secret to achieving smoother, tighter skin — without a facelift. Vampire Facelifts are the next best age-defying treatment that can completely transform your skin using your own platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Ready to find out if a Vampire Facelift is for you?
The new year is here, which means there are plenty of opportunities to try new treatments to enhance your natural beauty in 2019. But with so many options, how do you pick one that is right for you, which addresses your individual needs and beauty goals?
As women, our bodies change over time due to bearing children, aging, menopause, hormonal changes, and more. As a result, even though their energy levels remain high, women can begin to experience changes in vaginal laxity, a reduction of vaginal lubrication, urinary incontinence due to stress, and a reduction of sensation during intimacy. There are treatments, however, which are designed to target and treat these and other vaginal changes. Today, we will look at an effective, nonsurgical treatment known as FemiLift vaginal rejuvenation.
Laser treatments have grown in popularity over the years because there’s less downtime than with surgical options and because of their effectiveness. The question that remains is which treatment is right for you?


Advanced Aesthetics
There is a resolution, however, that is neglected at New Years' and oftentimes the rest of the year: skincare.